Date: 30 April 2005
Published in: Western Daily Press (UK)
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Former pop star Kim Wilde has admitted she does the gardening in knickers and high heels. Kim, 44, famous for hits like Kids in America is now a professional gardener. She said: “The first thing I do in the morning is put on my favourite shoes, which happen to be high-heeled, backless mules, don’t ask me why. I’ll have a wander around, make some coffee and generally end up in the garden, in platform shoes, a bra, knickers and not much else.”
“Depending on my schedule, and how I’m feeling, I can spend anything between 20 minutes and all day out there.”
Kim, has two children, Harry, seven, and five-year-old Rose. She made her revelations as she was announced as the new face for Timotei, the haircare brand. She said she is never happier than after a long day in the garden. Timotei Brand Manager Kay Dickinson said: “We are very excited to be working with Kim.”