Anti-airport protesters have been crying Mamma Mia! to threats of expansion at Luton. Donning sparkly wigs, platform shoes and flared trousers were members of SLAP (Stop Luton Airport Plan) who took an alternative approach to campaigning last Friday.
They held an Abba concert, starring tribute band Fabba in Whitwell, to show that their fight to stop expansion at Luton Airport is still alive and kicking and has not yet met its Waterloo. Money raised from the night of disco will go towards SLAP, and help their battle against the estimated 30 million passengers proposed for the Bedfordshire airport.
SLAP member Oliver Kelly said: “It was an absolute sell-out and a huge success. Kim Wilde turned up, the venue was filled to capacity and we raised several thousand pounds for SLAP.”
Luton Airport’s public consultation period finished over two months ago but campaigners are keen to continue their hard work.
Mr Kelly said: “We’re expecting Luton Airport to publish their plans for phase one (of the expansion) at the end of April. We’re also expecting their final Master Plan to be published. We’re keen to make people aware that even the first phase will have massive effects on the environment and local area.”
Fabba lead guitarist and Whitwell resident Andy Skelton lives right beneath the flight path of the proposed second runway. He said: “We had to do something to help fight against a second runway at Luton, so we thought we’d have a bit of fun raising money.
It’s great to know how much support we’ve got.”