Date: 4 April 2007
Published in: Female First website (UK)
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Celebrity Kim Wilde is urging gardeners to put their green fingers to good use. and sign up to her ‘Go Green Garden Challenge’. The pop singer and garden designer has teamed up with recycling experts at Dunweedin’ to encourage gardeners to do their bit for the planet.
Kim, who is passionate about gardening and recycling issues, is inviting everyone to use their gardens to make a positive difference to the environment. By signing up to her ‘Go Green Garden Challenge’ gardeners will have the chance to share tips and ideas on the best ways to ‘go green’ – whether you have a few acres, a city backyard, allotment or a window box!
Kim explained: “Recycling is now at the forefront of everyone’s minds and what better place to start than in your garden. As keen gardeners, we love the great outdoors and my ‘Go Green Garden Challenge’ aims to get everyone thinking about their own garden’s ‘green credentials’.”
With Spring in the air, there’s never been a better time to take stock of your garden’s ‘environmental score sheet’.
- Do you compost your waste?
- Have you got a water butt for collecting precious rain water?
- Do you grow your own vegetables?
- Have you considered companion planting – rather than pesticides?
- Do you choose recycled products for your gardenwhere possible?
- These are just some of little things than can have a big impact on helping the environment.
Kim’s ‘Go Green Garden Challenge’ is being supported by Dunweedin’ – the company behind a range of revolutionary recycled products for your garden. They have created a special web page where you can sign up for Kim’s challenge and leave messages about environmental tips for gardeners.
Gardeners signing up for the challenge will be entered into a prize draw to win an exclusive Dunweedin’ garden makeover during 2007.
Kim’s partnership with Dunweedin’ aims to highlight the company’s innovation in creating recycled products for gardeners.
Dunweedin’ has developed a stunning range of colourful garden chippings, made from 100% recycled rubber tyres.
Kim explained: “Dunweedin’ is a great example of how recycling initiatives are offering exciting new choices for gardeners. The chippings are a beautiful product made from recycled rubber tyres – so, as well as offering a new design idea, they also help to solve a very serious problem of how to dispose of the growing numbers of disused tyres generated by motorists. Given that gardeners appreciate the great outdoors, it’s worth seeking out garden products that don’t damage the environment – and supporting alternatives that use recycling.”