Interview with Kim Wilde: She loves beer, Bratwurst and Sauerkraut

Date: 27 May 2011
Published in: Nordbayerische Kurier (Germany)
Written by: Mark Heimerl

BAYREUTH. On Saturday, she is in Bayreuth on stage: Kim Wilde. The artist for over 30 years in the business and shows her skills at Maisel’s white beer festival. In an interview with Mark Heimerl Kim Wilde was relaxed and well. The stress of constant travel could tell her not to. On the contrary: She looks forward to Bayreuth, loves German food and is looking forward to the wheat beer.

Are you looking forward to Bayreuth and to your German fans?
Yes, I love to perform in Germany and I’m always happy. Especially the fans support me greatly.

What can your fans expect on Saturday?
We will play many old songs and some from my new album. Plus, there’s cover versions. I’ve got a great band with which I perform for many years. We will provide great atmosphere on stage. The fans can get carried along and have fun with me.

How is your preparation?
There is not a lot of time for rehearsals unfortunately, since we travel a lot. But we have rehearsed some extra things for the show. We play different cover versions of songs that people will probably not expect. But I still do not tell which.

When do you arrive in Bayreuth, and how long you stay?
I’m just very briefly here. We are currently constantly on the go, from one place to another. Because, unfortunately, there is no time to look at places. But despite this I promise you a super show.

Do you like German food?
I love German food, especially I like a lot of meat. I am a meat eater and I love German beer. I especially like eating Frankfurter, Sauerkraut, but also Bratwurst. I love food, even if it does not like me so much. I really have to be careful that I do not eat too much.

What kind of German beer you like and have you ever tried white beer?
I love the Cologne beer in small glasses. White beer… Yes I think so, but I’ll try it anyway when I’m there to make sure it tastes as good as I have in mind (laughs).

Have you ever been in Oberfranken?
Yes, I was here many times and have already been traveling all over Germany. Unfortunately, I can never stay long, but we always try to make the most of it when we are here. How, for example, enjoy typical regional food and beer.

Where do you perform otherwise?
That varies, I do concerts and also appear at festivals in cities and on outdoor stages, along with other artists.

Do you have a message for your German fans?
Of course! I can not wait to come and look forward to spending time with you. Thank you for your years of support. It feels great to still be appreciated.