Date: 30 June 2011
Published in: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung (Germany)
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LANDSBERG / MZ / HPO – What would it be like to meet Kim Wilde, the pop star from England, backstage, to get to know her? The possibility of such a “meet & greet” is next Saturday in Landsberg (Saalekreis). There, not only the festival begins on 1050-year celebration. The MDR-summer tour starts simultaneously. And special guest, Kim Wilde, who has throughout her career pretty much gotten all the musical awards, is there. The winner gets the opportunity to get acquainted to her together with an accompanying person.
To make a chat with Kim Wilde, that’s what Petra Zieger also wants. She is also on stage in Landsberg from 8pm, in an act called “top stars in the live concert.” But she has sung the Wilde hit “Chequered Love” almost 30 years ago, which was her debut in the GDR. “The LP was with some other cover songs, then sold only under the counter,” recalls the Rock Lady. In addition, she had her first television appearance in the show “Rund” back then. Will there be a song on Saturday in Landsberg in a duet with her fellow celebrity? “That would be nice,” said Petra Zieger, who hasn’t ever met Kim Wilde before. “Let’s see what we can do, I’m excited myself.”
In addition to music the MDR-summer tour brings a town bet on Saturday, and from 7pm there’s the women’s soccer World Cup.
Those interested in the meeting with Kim Wilde in Landsberg report today by e-mail: Please also include your phone number.