Kim Wilde rocks the Liederhalle

Date: 15 October 2011
Published in: Stuttgarter Zeitung (Germany)
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A world star comes to the Landespresseball: Kim Wilde sings in the Beethovensaal of the Liederhalle on November 11 – exactly 30 years after she landed her first hit with ‘Kids in America’. The British singer and landscape gardener performs live after being invited by the Pressestiftung Baden-Württemberg, who organise the ball for the 52th time this year. Guardian of the ball is Winfried Kretschmann. The proceeds from the tombola and stage prizes go to journalists who have become needy like every year.

Also in 2011 many guests from politics, science and media are expected. The Landespresseball is based on invites only – and it is already sold out.