Kim Wilde had fun in Paradiso ….. and so did I!!

Date: 8 October 2012
Published in: The blues alone weblog (Netherlands)
Written by: Arjan Vermeer

Somewhat furtive I enter the great hall of Paradiso: what does a fan of blues do at a Kim Wilde concert? But as soon as I discover that the room is filled with men (and slightly less women) the same age as me. Indeed, many of the men standing in front of the stage longingly waiting for their idol. One of the men turns around and sees – and recognizes – me. And while I still am convinced that this man, a sound engineer whom I know, is more of hard-rock fan. A sense of relief overcomes me. “This isn’t your taste, is it?” I scream over the public uproar. “Youth Idol” he replies to me with a broad smile. This was what my confidence needed. Fortunately nobody is ashamed here for nostalgic for the Eighties ‘new wave’ pop songs of Kim Smith, better known as Kim Wilde.

The light goes out in the hall as the band takes to the stage. They start with “It’s Alright” from her latest album. And as the men begin to sing in front. Impressive. Fortunately, for me, “Checquered Love” is then deployed. The song is now sung by all the fans present. And after this second song Kim, visibly happy, receives a warm welcome from the Paradiso parishioners. It threatens to become a cozy evening.

The famous – old-hits are getting through to the crowd with warmth but also effortlessly sung, “Lights Down Low”, “Four Letter Word”, “Cambodia”. But the songs from her latest album, however, are – albeit slightly less spontaneously – welcomed: “Ever Fallen In Love”, “A Little Respect”, “To France”. It does wonders for Kim. She and her band have “fun” on stage. A unique Eighties party unfolds.

And-after Kim’s world hit “Kids In America” has ended with a thunderous applause – we, older young men, turn back into the October night. Back to the more serious music. For me the blues, for my acquaintance the sound engineer, the hard rock. But with Kim Wilde in mind ….. secretly!

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