Still wilde, still good

Date: 16 March 2012
Published in: B.Z. (Germany)
Written by: JSD

The bad Eighties are dead, but their heroes are still alive! Kim Wilde (51), the English pop icon is the blonde proof that the past can still be good today. Her show-mix before 1500 visitors at the Columbiahalle: pretty wild (tight black pants, black corset, black mesh vest): “About you” from the Sugarbabes, Norman Greenbaum’s “Spirit in the sky”, in between some of her own songs. Brother Ricky with sunglasses on guitar, her niece Scarlett is the dancing redhead and sings in miniskirt, and so the Wilde family turns you on, and a bit crazy, and everyone enjoys it. The final is almost furious: “Kids in America”, “You keep me hangin’ on”. This wild Kim doesn’t want to ever stop.