Angel of the audience: Kim Wilde shines in Cultuurpodium De Boerderij

Date: 16 November 2017
Published in: Postiljon (Netherlands)
Written by: Jerrold Mallee

No less than seven concerts in the Netherlands are part of a tour across the Netherlands by none other than Kim Wilde. Cultuurpodium De Boerderij in Zoetermeer was honoured to have her visit on 12 November (see also the photo impression on page 28).

The ‘Angel of New Wave’ as she was named in the Eighties was the pop idol of many young music lover at the time. Her looks captured everyone’s imagination. And now, among the fourty-somethings, but also the younger audience, she still does. Because the audience went crazy when Kim, after a beautiful support act by singer/songwriter Lawrence Hill, entered the stage. Kim is still an icon of world class. Who doesn’t know the delicious ‘New Wave’ hits with which she stormed the European charts. Her debut ‘Kids in America’ was an immediate international success, followed by top songs such as ‘Cambodia’, ‘View From a Bridge’ and ‘Never Trust A Stranger’. In the Nineties she chose a more quiet existance and said goodbye to her stormy life for a whike. Now, over thirty years after her debut, her career knows a ‘second youth’. Her comeback in 2003 was overwhelming. Together with German singer Nena she stormed the charts with the bilingual hit ‘Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime’. That success marked her comeback on stage and in the studio. In De Boerderij all her big hits were presented. Kim: Angel of the audience.