Date: 27 March 2018
Published in: Various local newspapers (Germany)
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80s star Kim Wilde returns with a new album “Here Come The Aliens” suitable for the charts.
“What else should it have been?”, Kim Wilde indignantly exclaimed, as you only very gently offer at the meeting in a berlin-center design hotel, whether that really, in any case and without any doubt was a UFO, what she saw back in 2009 together with two friends in the evening firmament. “The part was incredibly bright, it was certainly a hundred times the size of a plane and it zigzagged.” Any questions? Of course. Naturally, the matter was never explained. But in the village of Hertfordshire, which is located a stone’s throw from London, and where the 57-year-old Wilde lives with husband and the fledgling children, one whispers until today about the mysterious celestial object.
Wilde, a woman of natural-humorous charisma, has been thrilled with everything that has to do with the universe all her life. And so the extraterrestrial quasi forms the staple of their first album with new songs since 2010. “1969” fantasizes one – since we have treated the planet rather, not necessarily very friendly – visitation by aliens, the final ballad “Rosetta” sings the eponymous space probe. Fortunately, the singer, who was one of the market’s leading pop stars on the planet in the 1980s, with super hits such as “Cambodia,” “Kids In America,” or “Keep Me Hangin ‘On,” before she got married, had children, paused for ten years became a popular TV gardener in England and celebrated a magnificent comeback in 2006, especially in Germany and Holland, not only in the clouds.
She is a very solid, gripping, timeless pop collaborating with her brother Ricky, with whom she has always been writing her songs. For example, there is a song about sex with “Kandy Krush”, which also deals with her own husband, Hal Fowler. “My husband still makes me hot,” Wilde informs.
But Kim Wilde also brings serious issues across credibly. In “Cyber.Nation.War,” she vehemently opposes Internet Bullying, and “Solstice,” reminiscent of “Four-Letter Word,” is an incredibly sad-beautiful ballad of a true story about two teenage suicides on Midsummer in their region.
The fact that Kim Wilde, who regularly takes part in eighties nostalgia tours in the UK, pays homage to the decade of her biggest charting success on “Here Come The Aliens”, is clearly part of the concept of the album. For each of the new songs she has a reference in mind, such as Duran Duran, Billy Idol, Gary Numan, Elvis Costello. “I bow to my big idols and feel gratitude and pride when I think about my career,” she says. With her new single “Pop Don’t Stop”, Wildes chart-best number for a long time, she could finally succeed again a radio hit. “For me, the power of the melodies and the warmth of words never go out of style. And I do not think about quitting. I am passionate about music since I was little. That never stops. “Except maybe when the aliens come and take us.
Kim Wilde: Here Come The Aliens (Wildeflower) Rating: Kim Wilde, 11.10., 8 pm, Schwalmstadt, Festhalle. Tickets: 0561/203204.