Date: 6 February 2018
Published in: Daily Mirror (UK)
Written by: Tom Bryant
Kim Wilde says she fears she could be abducted by alien superfans after a close encounter with a UFO in her back garden.
The 1980s chart favourite claims she saw a spaceship hovering near her home several years ago but is still worried about it today.
She said: “There were a couple of massive lights just above the clouds, going backwards and forwards in an extraordinary way. Quite a lot of people witnessed them, it made the local papers.”
Kim, 57, who sold 10million albums after her first hit Kids in America in 1981, said: “I’m worried they’re going to come back and take me away. I said to my husband that maybe the captain was a big Kim Wilde fan and wanted to know where I live. I’m worried he’s going to beam me up and I’ll have to sing Kids in America to him for the rest of my life.”
She said she has not stopped worrying about it since the sighting in 2009. “When you see something as extraordinary and maybe extra-terrestrial like that you’re never quite the same”, she said in an interviw with Attitude magazine.
“I believe they’re here already or visiting, watching us. I haven’t gone loopy, I just can’t stop thinking about it.”
Kim was propelled back into the limelight in 2012 after being filmed on a London train singing her hits Kids in America and Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree wearing reindeer antlers, with brother Ricky on guitar. It became a YouTube sensation, scoring more than two million hits.
Kim admitted at the time: “I don’t think I could have been more drunk. I was absolutely paralytic. There was a lot of difficulty talking that night. The words sound great in your head but when they start coming out of your mouth they all tumble over each other. It’s handsdown the most humiliating and embarrassing aspect of it all.”
Kim’s new album, Here Come the Aliens, is out next month and will be her first collection of original songs since 1996. A European tour of the same name kicks off on March 30 in Ipswich, Suffolk.