Review – Here come the aliens

Date: 29 March 2018
Published in: Herald Standard (USA)
Written by: Clint Rhodes

Listening to the new album from Kim Wilde, I was pleasantly transported back to 1981 and reminded of the events that left a lasting impression on our culture. That fateful year saw the release of Steven Spielberg’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” the production of the first DeLorean DMC-12 and Ronald Reagan becoming the 40th President of the United States. We also witnessed the grand wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer as well as the television launch of MTV. I was a junior in high school that year and recall Wilde’s “Kids in America” capturing my attention with its dramatic synth opening and poppy beat that sounded like a cool blending of Gary Numan and the Go-Go’s.

Thirty-seven years later, the British bombshell delivers her 14th studio album and still sounds as vibrant and vivacious as she did back on her self-titled debut.

“Here Come the Aliens” sports one the best album covers I’ve seen in quite a while. It also has an interesting story to match the retro artwork. Inspired by a close encounter of her own, Wilde opens the album with a heavy dose of synth-pop by singing, “I know they’re hiding out there somewhere in the galaxy.” She goes on to announce that she knows that aliens from space are watching us and offers a promising outcome by declaring, “Maybe they’ll save us from the apocalypse when it comes.”

Wilde’s vocals carry the nostalgic vibe of the ’80s from beginning to end as the 57-year-old singer channels the sexiness of Berlin’s Terri Nunn on the sensual “Addicted to You” and “Stereo Shot” and the street toughness of Blondie’s Debbie Harry with the guitar-driven “Kandy Krush” and rousing “Birthday.”

Other highlights include the grim reality detailed on “Cyber Nation War,” the pure pop perfection offered on “Pop Don’t Stop” and the youthful energy delivered on “Rock the Paradiso.”

“Here Come the Aliens” is a marvelous example of something old being new once again.