Date: 15 September 2018
Published in: Kronen Zeitung (Austria)
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Imagine you accidentally meet one of your teeny idols. Strictly professional – yet the meeting is very cordial, yes, downright amical. Even though you only had a poster of the star you used to adore…
…that’s exactly how it went backstage at the recording for the Starnacht from the Wachau (will be shown in ORF 2 today at 8:15 pm) for Simone Stelzer. She met Kim Wilde! “That I had a poster of her in my room, that’s not a shame”, she credibly made ADABEI clear when we then brought her together for a picture. Kim Wilde loved the story as well. “So, Mr. Photographer, do your bidding”, ADABEI brandished the baton. Francine Jordi cheated herself into the picture. Why? You can guess three times. Right, fan cult as well…