Date: 5 August 2019
Published in: FranceInfo (France)
Written by: Elodie Suigo
Every day, a personality invites himself into the world of Elodie Suigo, and confides. Today, British star star Kim Wilde from the 1980s has sold more than 32 million records worldwide. She returns with a new album called “Here comes the Alien”.
“I immediately felt that music was my destiny, touring, going to the studio, recording albums, that was what I wanted to do,” says Kim Wilde. The British singer returned in 2018 with her fourteenth album after selling more than 32 million records worldwide. Here comes the Alien, a strange title: “I saw something in the sky and I was convinced that it was aliens, I had to call this album as well.”
Kim Wilde’s career begins when she is only 21 years old. For many, it could be young but not for the singer. “My dad bought a lot of records, we listened a lot to the radio, it was the sixties, it had a big impact on my life and I knew very early that that’s what I wanted to do,” he says. artist. Kim Wilde followed his father Marty in all his musical experiences while his mother gave him lessons in tours.
The singer records her first album. First excerpt: Kids in America. And first success. “This title is a real gift from my dad and my brother Kids in America opened the doors to me all over the world, it was a global hit, I’m really in love with this title.”
Since then, the successes are linked with Cambodia, a world-wide hit: “It has sold more than a million copies, and I am always amazed at the link that people have with this title. a must in concert, “enthuses the singer.
Music fills the life of Kim Wilde, it is essential to her: “I have always thought a lot about music: it’s my whole life, and somewhere, it’s also my religion because I’m not a believer and the music has filled this void, this place I’m not turned to politics so finally music is the only thing I believe in, “says the artist.
A career with exceptional longevity
In the late 1990s, the singer paused. Did she want to stop? “In fact, I really stopped when I got married, I started my family, I had two children, I really got away from the music industry,” says the artist. However, his participation in a tour with artists of the 1980s really made him want to plunge into the musical bath: “In fact, the eighties have never been so popular as now. It has given me the inspiration to come back and do something new, that’s what we did with our new album.”
If Kim Wilde has been singing for thirty-eight years, she is also very involved in horticulture. She is part of the Guinness book of records for having successfully transplanted the largest tree. “I have a real passion for gardening, horticulture, I’m always in my garden to plant, reorganize it, it’s a little yin and yang of my life,” says the singer.
“I am very happy: I am lucky to be in good health, I do what I love: I sing, I do gardening, I have my children,” she says. And above all, she has been married for twenty-two years with the actor Hal Fowler: “I do not know if there are married people for so long. These are a little roller coaster, we must hang on. It’s a challenge, but life is beautiful, “concludes Kim Wilde with a smile.