A woman at 60 can do anything

Date: 23 December 2020
Published in: Meins (Germany)
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The music icon of our youth just had a milestone birthday. Kim Wilde, 60, takes it with British composureie is the idol of our youth, as cool as she wanted so many of us to be.

Kim Wilde wrote music history with hits like “Kids in America”, “Cambodia” and “You Came”. The pop icon has just turned 60 – and music still defines her life. Her European tour planned for October and November had to be postponed for a year due to Corona. We reach Kim Wilde at her home in Hertfordshire, north of London. In the interview, the singer speaks about the milestone birthday, getting older and the Corona period.

Kim, instead of touring Europe, you are now at home in the UK…
Yeah, I’ll be at home most of the year this year. That had its advantages: I was able to take care of my family, the dogs and the garden. I’ve done a lot with my 81 year old father. It was an interesting year – even if we all expected something different.

Did you use the free time to record new songs?
I was actually in the studio and we recorded something together. My greatest hits album will be out in 2021, and hopefully I’ll be able to catch up on my tour. There will also be a few new songs …

Do you use this special time for self-reflection?
Absolutely! I used to live to work – that has changed. After a long time, I had the opportunity to experience a completely normal everyday life at home and didn’t have to rush from one appointment to the next. When all the appointments were suddenly gone, I realized that I had worked way too much in the years before and that I was traveling too often. I needed this break – but I would never have voluntarily taken it. In this respect, Corona also had its good sides.

You just celebrated your 60th birthday. Are you thinking about the number?
I feel a very special energy. It is the beginning of a new decade of life! I can hardly believe myself that I’m already 60. I don’t feel like that at all. But whatever? Then I’m 60! I’ve had a really good life to this day. I am grateful for all the good that has happened to me.

You once said that from the age of 50 your life got better from year to year. Is there more?
I’ll make that happen! I’ve trained myself to always make the best of every situation. It’s a question of perspective: in every thing, no matter how bad, there is something good in the end. This is also the case with the corona pandemic, for example. Many people have experienced terrible things. But it is currently very good for our earth that it is getting a break.

Do you like getting older?
If I could stop time now, I would do it now. I haven’t felt as good as I do now in a long time. The older I get, the more I realize how important health is. I take very good care of myself. I exercise a lot, go for a walk with my dogs, do yoga – and yes, gardening can also be sport. I’ve been giving up alcohol for three years. That changed a lot for me – physically and mentally. I also don’t put so much pressure on myself anymore. A woman at 60 can do anything today!

If you could take a look into the future: Where do you see yourself in the years to come?
I hope that I can catch up on my tour in 2021. But I would be lying if I said that sometimes I don’t think about quitting. I would like to write a book and dedicate myself more intensively to my garden. But maybe in old age I will discover a completely new talent that I didn’t know was dormant in me. I am open to everything and allow myself to be surprised.