Date: 6 October 2024
Published in: Sunday Express (UK)
Written by: Garry Bushell
London-born pop star Kim, 63, is best known for her huge 80s hits Kids In America and Chequered Love.
What was your first TV memory?
Watching Thunderbirds with my brother Ricky on a black and white TV set. I was mesmerised by Lady Penelope, she was my first blonde style icon.
Who was your first TV crush?
I was eleven in 1971 and I remember watching Play Misty For Me on TV and falling in love with Clint Eastwood. He was the most beautiful man I’d ever seen – although why my parents let me watch it at that age is another question.
What was your first TV appearance?
On Top Of The Pops in 1983 with Kids In America. Madness were on too. I’d been buying their records and was very star-struck. I was also terrified. People say I looked cool but that was sheer fear.
What is your favourite current show?
I like Kaos on Netflix. I’ve been watching that with my daughter Rose. It’s a contemporary retelling of Greek myths. Jeff Goldblum plays Zeus – I love him, his acting gets better and better.
Which TV show would you take to a desert island?
Schitt’s Creek. Moira Rose is my new style icon, especially as I’ve approached the later years of my life. I love her sartorial style.
What TV show would you like to put out of its misery?
Naked Attraction. It’s appalling and offensive. Magic can happen between people, but this strips away the magic and reduces it to genitals. It’s disgusting.
Guiltiest TV pleasure?
Joining my daughter and son when they’re watching South Park. I like a bit of foul-mouthed TV. It feels like home!
What are you up to at the moment?
I’ve got a new album out at the end of January, a new single in November and I’ll be touring the UK next March. I’m just about to head off to Australia and Germany.