Fix the fells

On 1 July 2004, Kim Wilde and Ian Botham launch the project ‘Fix the Fells’. It is a vital part of a much larger project known as the Upland Path Landscape Restoration Project. This 10 year project started in 2002. The Heritage Lottery Fund is providing up to two thirds of the funding for the first five years.

The natural erosion caused by wind, ice and water is extremely slow. When you introduce feet the process speeds up rapidly and spoils the look of the landscape. It also makes paths unpleasant to walk on. The Lake District National Park Authority has identified 145 paths which have become eroded, mainly by the Lake District weather and 28 million feet walking in the area each year. To repair the majority of the footpath erosion in the English Lake District National Park, The Lake District National Park Authority, The National Trust and English Nature worked together to produce a management plan. With help from The Lake District Tourism and Conservation Partnership and Friends of the Lake District, they are committed to raising the funds necessary to pay for fell path repairs.