Kim became a member of the Performing Arts Society when she started writing songs.
Kim about the Performing Rights Society
This is what I first got when I started to become a songwriter. It’s my provisional membership certificate for the Performing Arts Society. This is very important to me because it was the first award I’ve received – way back in November ’84. Having my work published and recorded is the most important thing that has happened to me in my career so far. I hang this in pride of place at home in my music room.
The certificate reads: The Performing Right Society, Ltd., An association of composers, artists and publishers of music.
A company limited by guarantee and not having a Share Capital
This is to Certify that on 7th November 1984 KIM SMITH of c/o 1 STEVENAGE ROAD, KNEBWORTH, HERTS, SG3 6AN, was admitted as a provisional member of the Performing Right Society, Ltd. w.e.f. 1ST JULY 1984 subject to the Articles of Association and of his/her/its liability limited in accordance with Clause 5 of the Memorandum of Association. (1)
Interview source
(1) Me and my favourite things In: No. 1 (UK), 25 July 1987