Duo consisting of Aron Friedman and Damon Rochefort. Working from a small studio in Battersea the pair found instant success with the club anthem “Happiness” which hit No. 1 on the club charts and was one of the year’s biggest club hits. The underground success of “Happiness” gave Serious Rope all the respect and exposure they needed to keep them working. They subsequently remixed Michelle Gayle’s “Lookin’ up”, Alexander O’Neal’s “All that matters” and Elton John & RuPaul’s “Don’t go breaking my heart” amongst others.
As writer/producers they released Jeanne Dee’s “No Life Without Love” on Paul Oakenfold’s Perfecto label and “Don’t Talk about Love” with Bad Boys Inc.
With club success consolidated, Serious Rope then concentrated on writing and producing – with tracks for Michelle Gayle, Kenny Thomas and of course Kim Wilde. On her 1995 album Now & Forever they were involved in the creation of Breakin’ Away, High on You, This I Swear, Heaven, Hold On, You’re All I Wanna Do and Back to Heaven.
In 1996, ‘Happiness’ was re-released on Mercury and once again hit the club chart while their ‘Club Buzz Volume One’ was one of the most sought after DJ mix albums. Serious Rope quickly became one of the most in-demand producers in the UK.