Local charity based in Hertfordshire, of which Kim Wilde is a patron. It uses horticulture as a therapeutic tool to assist in helping homeless people, ex addicts, ex-offenders, socially excluded, people with mental health issues and depression and those recovering from a life crisis. The aim is to create a friendly and supportive environment for positive activity where participants, known as volunteers, can make new and supportive friendships and feel included in their local community.
Waste Not Want Not was founded by Isobel Barnes. It seeks and gains donations from organisations and members of the public – they give us their unwanted plants which would otherwise end up in landfill, we nurture them and sell them at our nursery. They are also given unwanted used items including fencing panels, mesh wire and other materials which are recycled and put to good use. Waste Not Want Not was established in June 2008. Originally people were referred from the Haven Hostel for the Homeless and the Living Room, a centre for people with addictive behaviours. Over the years the network of referring organisations has grown and includes North Herts College, YMCA, Ingeus, Mid Point, Westminster Drug project, Bedford Prison plus numerous self-referrals from the local community. The whole ethos behind Waste Not Want Not is inclusivity and through the delivery of our projects and initiatives we reach out and touch those with a real need.
Waste Not Want Not has 2 sites. The Learning Garden at the Hatfield Galleria carpark and the main site, The Roebuck which is situated just off Stevenage Road.
Kim about Waste Not Want Not
I first met Isobel in 2011 and was immediately taken by her boundless energy and enthusiasm for a project which helps so many vulnerable people – including those who have had major problems with addiction, homelessness, social exclusion or physical and mental health issues – I have been a Patron of this unique project ever since. All volunteers are made very welcome and work in a safe and friendly environment in a spirit of fun, friendship and mutual support with the potential to acquire new skills both in horticulture and in life. The project responds rapidly to the needs of some very exposed people who might otherwise slip through the care net. I do hope you get the chance to visit one our sites and purchase some of the great value plants. By doing so you will be supporting a invaluable project of which I am very proud to be the patron. I hope to see you all there. (1)
Interview source
(1) Waste not want not website, retrieved March 2016