Kim lipsynchs ‘World in perfect harmony’ and ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’, backed by a three piece band.
Sacrée Soirée
3 October 1990 Channel
Kim lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ dressed in a sexy black dress.
Tous a la une
21 September 1990 Channel
Kim lipsynchs to ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ dressed in a stylish black suit. She is backed by a band consisting of Ricky Wilde (guitar), another guitarist, a drummer and a keyboard player.
Ages tendres
9 August 1990 Channel
A2 (France)
Kim lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ with her band. The stage is black and white, like a chess board.
Note: although the pictures here are black and white, the program was probably broadcast in colour.
Can’t get enough (of your love) (music video)
2 July 1990 Channel
This very dynamic clip is filmed with Kim and a band, on a platform that keeps spinning around. The main colour is blue. The performance shots are intermixed with other shots of Kim and a man on a bed, which is also spinning.
Tien om te zien
1 July 1990 Channel
VTM (Belgium)
Kim and her band appear on an outdoor stage to perform ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ and ‘You came’.
Dock 11
1 July 1990 Channel
NDR (Germany)
Kim lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ backed by a four-piece band. An small audience is standing in front of her.
La classe
26 June 1990 Channel
Kim lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ dressed in a jeans shirt with bare shoulders and a black skirt. She is backed by a band, one guitarist, one keyboard-player and one drummer.
Fête de la Musique
21 June 1990 Channel
Kim does a lipsynch performance of ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’, dressed in a very tight black dress on an open air stage. She is backed by a band consisting of two guitarists, a drummer and a keyboard player.
La une est à vous
7 June 1990 Channel
Kim lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ on a predominantly pink and red stage, backed by a band with one guitarist, one bassist, one keyboard-player and one drummer.
Coups de coeur
21 May 1990 Channel
FR2 (France)
Kim lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’, wearing a low-cut black top. Her band consists of a drummer, a keyboard player, a guitarist and bassplayer.
Champs Elysées
12 May 1990 Channel
Kim first lipsynchs ‘Can’t get enough (of your love)’ with her own band, and then sings ‘You have to learn to live alone’ live together with Michel Berger, who also plays keyboards.