Graham Norton

3 February 2018
BBC Radio 2 (UK)

Graham Norton interviews Kim Wilde about her new single ‘Pop don’t stop’, her forthcoming album ‘Here come the aliens’ and the UK tour in April.

Graham Norton

BBC Radio 2 (UK)

Interview with Kim Wilde about her upcoming concert at Audley End, Saffron Walden with Rick Astley, Howard Jones and T’pau on July 17, but also discussed her new album, her dog, football and gardening.

So Graham Norton

9 March 2001
Channel 4 (UK)

In this episode of Graham Norton’s chat show, the main guest is Elton John. Also appearing is Kim Wilde, who talks about her illustrious past as a pop star, and her current passion: gardening.
The two guests then participate in a game called ‘Stars in your snaps’, in which they have to guess who the famous person is in the pictures taken by fans. Elton manages to recognise two persons despite the fact that the faces have been made unrecognisable by putting a sticker over them.