Looking back on 2020, it’s a year that most would probably like to forget. Today, at the start of a new year, there’s hope for better times. Wilde Life wants to wish you all the best for the new year, and here’s a little preview of the next twelve months…
Every year we have a list of things to look forward to in the Wilde universe, but last year’s prophecies were not so accurate, because of the Covid-19 pandemic that affected the whole world. The three deluxe reissues of ‘Kim Wilde’, ‘Select’ and ‘Catch as Catch Can’ did happen, but the greatest hits album and tour were postponed. Instead, we got a generous amount of releases by Marty Wilde, including a duet with Kim; something that was quite unexpected!
So let’s look ahead. The Greatest Hits album is now scheduled for April/May, and it looks like it will be the best compilation ever. It will also include a new track. Kim has also recorded a track with Boy George, which is likely to be released this year. And the re-scheduled Greatest Hits Tour is hopefully taking place later this year.
You will read about all this and more right here on Wilde Life, keeping you up to date on all things Wilde. At the end of August this website will celebrate its 15th birthday (and the webmaster his 51st birthday – what a coincidence!) and that should also warrant a little party. Lots to look forward to – fingers crossed that this will all happen in 2021.
Happy New Year everyone, ‘ got a feeling 21 is gonna be a good year’ ! pic.twitter.com/RtyRdgiouU
— Kim Wilde (@kimwilde) December 31, 2020