The Pocket Money programme

13 April 1986
Channel 4 (UK)

Kim is interviewed about her own fanclub and fanclubs in general by a few kids, as part of a children’s program, after a quick research about various fanclubs, some of which offer very little value for money.

How much control do you have over your fanclub?
I have quite a lot of control over it, in fact I designed some of the magazines myself in the early days but I have someone else who does that now. She’s 16, she’s called Edwina and she runs the fanclub and I keep in contact with her all the time.

How do you find time to keep an eye on the fanclub, you must be very busy?
I am pretty busy but it’s a point of having to, you know. If I didn’t then lots of things wouldn’t be done, like the questions and answers which I do, the letter which I get bullied into writing every, every… we do it four times a year. A magazine four times a year, so there’s quite a lot of things to do really.

How do you think pop fanclubs could be made better value for money?
I suppose giving the fans the opportunity to buy things that otherwise they couldn’t buy, at better prices perhaps, and also things like concert tickets, where an artist could offer their tickets for certain shows before they’re on sale to the general public. Or maybe doing special benefit concerts for them. You know, concerts where you just invite the fanclub. There’s a lot of things, really.

After what happened to us when we tried to join some fanclubs, do you think they’re worth the trouble or the cash?
I think obviously it depends. You’ve had some varying experiences with the fanclubs that you’ve tried to join. I mean, speaking for my fanclub’s point of view I think my fanclub is very good value for money and I’m sure there are plenty out there that are. But I really feel that what you’ve done would be good for these people to actually look at what they’re doing because financially, when there’s money coming in, it’s very dangerous water they’re treading by not delivering the goods. I think they should take a leaf out of my fanclub’s book.