Wilde World: André van Duin

Kim Wilde’s first records were written and produced by her father and brother, Marty and Ricky. The three of them have had a great influence on the music world, as this regular series ‘Wilde World’ shows.

It is not easy to summarize the career of Dutch comedian, actor and singer André van Duin. His career started when he appeared on a talent hunt on television in 1964. Shortly thereafter he appeared as support act of the Rolling Stones in Scheveningen. Between 1965 and now he has released over 30 charting albums and 50 charting singles. His songs often had funny lyrics, although he also recorded more ‘serious’ material from time to time. In 1977, he released ‘And’re André’ (‘Other André’), a collection of 50 wellknown Dutch songs, presented as 10 medleys of 5 songs each. One of the medleys paired ‘Samen een straatje om’ with four other tracks. ‘Samen een straatje om’ was made famous by Rudi Carrell, and this was of course a Dutch translation of Pete Shelley‘s ‘Love me, love my dog’.

And’re van Duin also has an impressive career as an actor and presenter on Dutch television, appearing in over 50 series and programmes, most recently presenting the Dutch version of ‘The Great British Bake Off’ and appearing in the series ‘Het geheime dagboek van Hendrik Groen’ (‘The secret diary of Hendrik Groen’).

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