Wilde World: Cliché & The Hook

Kim Wilde’s first records were written and produced by her father and brother, Marty and Ricky. The three of them have had a great influence on the music world, as this regular series ‘Wilde World’ shows.

‘Rub My Tummy’ was written by Pete Shelley and Marty Wilde for Zenda Jacks, ‘The goddess of rock’, and aside from a cover in Finnish by Lea Laven, the song never appeared again. Until 2013, that is, when an unknown duo called Cliche & The Hook recorded a version of the song on their first and so far only EP. The EP features four tracks, all of which sound slightly Goldfrapp-electro-style-inspired. The duo have not released any other material and if you search for “Cliche & The Hook” on the web you will be quite surprised to find that this is one of those search terms that give you almost no results. Still, this is a great version of an obscure Marty Wilde gem!

Listen to the song