Kim Wilde’s first records were written and produced by her father and brother, Marty and Ricky. The three of them have had a great influence on the music world, as this regular series ‘Wilde World’ shows.
It wasn’t uncommon in the Sixties that the contemporary hits were re-recorded by unknown and often uncredited musicians. In England, there were many re-recorded hits on the ‘Top of the pops’ LP series, as well as EP’s called ‘6 top hits from England’ (which on some tracks featured the also uncredited David Byron from Uriah Heep).
This Romanian LP called ‘Șlagărele Anului’ remains a mystery. Released in 1969, it features hits from that year, including a version of the Marty Wilde and Jack Gellar composition ‘Jesamine’, but the artists remain uncredited. It must have been a popular title behind the iron curtain, because several editions of this LP exist.